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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Black Powder

The Rearguard at Bobr, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Black Powder, 28mm We wanted a simple but challenging game this week, so I delved into Grant & Asquith’s “Scenarios for all Ages” for inspiration. They had one that was perfect:  “A Vital Bridgehead”. In our version, the French were trying to get across the Bobr River, while engineers were rigging the

The Klein-Künitz race, 1813

The Napoleonic Wars, Black Powder, 28mm We settled on a Napoleonic game this week, but it had to be a fairly small one, as we’re still playing on a 6×4 foot table in my kitchen parlour. The scenario was adapted from one in the late Stuart Asquith’s Scenarios for All Ages, but as his was

Crossing the Berezina, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Black Powder, 28mm I got the chance to stage a game at very short notice, thanks to a small window in the lockdown restrictions. My friend Gyles fancied a Napoleonic game, and wanted to field his new Saxons. Lindsay wanted to play, but had to do so virtually thanks to Covid restrictions.

Crossing the Bug, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Black Powder, 28mm This game took place half a lifetime ago. Actually, it was only two and a half weeks, but since then the world has turned upside down. It’s also our last game at the wargame club, at least for the foreseeable future. I’ve got one more game to post after

The Ambush at Suetovo, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Black Powder, 28mm This week we went for an all-cavalry game. The scenario was lifted from Charles S Grant and Stuart Asquith’s Scenarios for all Ages (1996), which has long been a source of fun gaming ideas. This one was called “Tables Turned”. In it, a powerful cavalry force chasing a weaker

The Wagon Train, 1760

The Seven Years War, Black Powder, 28mm We had an AGM this week, so we wanted a game that would be fun but quick. So, I came up with a tried and tested scenario called “The Wagon Train”. It was first devised by Charles Grant Senior, and published in the Wargames Digest in 1961. The

The Battle of Volkmarsen, 1758

The Seven Years War, Black Powder, 28mm It’s been ages since my last Seven Years War game. That’s unusual, as it’s my favourite period. However, since the fire in my Edinburgh flat last January, I’d steam-leaned the smoke damage to all of my lead collection, apart from my SYW figures,  and the Back of Beyond

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