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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Horse & Musket Periods

The Roterflügel Ford 1813

The Napoleonic Wars, Shadow of the Eagles, 28mm This small Napoleonic game was based on a scenario from Grant & Asquith’s Scenarios for All Ages (1996), a book I often turn to for fun gaming ideas. this one, called ‘Breakout’ has a force guarding a ford, pursued by a slightly larger force. However, a light

The Battle of Emmerthal, 1759

The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm I hadn’t been at the wargame club for ages, so it was a  pleasure to make it this week, and to have a wee game with Sean. [Note: He was ‘Sean 1’, but he’s back to ‘Sean’ again, as ‘Sean 2’ has moved away!] Anyway, he wanted

The Zwillingsflüsse Gambit, 1813

The Napoleonic Wars, In the Shadow of the Eagles, 28mm This little scenario was looted from my trusty Scenarios for All Ages by Asquith & Grant (1996). This one, “Seizing the Initiative” involved a table crossed by two rivers – let’s call them the Black Elster and the Blue Elster. The idea was, a small

Skirmish at Bell’s Ford, 1758

The French & Indian War, Rebels and Patriots, 28mm With the club closed after New Year, we staged another Thursday night game in my farmhouse kitchen. It was another French & Indian War clash, with the two Seans playing against each other, and me helping Sean 1 with the French. I’d sort of pointed out

The Combat at Glokenspeil, 1757

The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm In this, our last game of the year, we opted for a small Seven Years War fight, fought in my kitchen. I was joined by the two Seans, with Sean 2 bringing his brigade of Prussians along. So, the game was a small affair with two matched

Action in the Nirgedwo Tal, 1759

The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm Another week, another storm – this time with power cuts. My island was cut off from the town this week – the causeway closed due to a storm – so instead Sean 2 and I played a wee game in the house on Sunday afternoon. In this

The Battle of Kirriesdorf, 1759

The Seven Years War, The War Game, 28mm Two or three times a year I venture south on the ferry for a weekend of wargaming in Kirriemuir, near Dundee. Apart from being the birthplace of JM Barrie (Peter Pan) and Bon Scott (AC/DC), it also plays host to the League of Gentleman Wargamers. Goodness knows

Battle of Mülldorf 1760

The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm This week we returned to what’s probably my favourite period, and a small club-night clash near a village somewhere in High Germany. So far, Sean 1 has raised a Prussian infantry brigade of four battalions. So, they formed the core of the Allied force, backed up by

The Battle of Borodino, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Shadow of the Eagles, 28mm Unusually, I’m going to start with two apologies. First, my tardiness in posting blogs. the thing is, I’ve been wrapped up putting the finishing touches to a book, The Pirate Menace, and that’s taken up all of my time. Secondly, thanks to Sean 2 for some of

Action at Glencoe, 1899

Queen Victoria’s Little Wars, The Men Who Would Be Kings, 28mm This one was set in the Boer war, amid the campaigning around Ladysmith.  The British had withdrawn, leaving the area occupied by the Boers. However, a couple of wagons containing the regimental whisky supplies had bogged down, and  Colonel Potts ordered their immediate recovery.

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