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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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The Roman World

Battle of Thespiae, 86 BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm The plan was to play two Ancient games, one with Gauls against Romans and the other one with Romans fighting a Mithraditic Pontic army. However, someone had the bright idea to merge them into one big game. So, that’s what we did. On one side we had Bart’s

The Battle of Nicephorium 363 AD

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm This was something of a new departure for me. For the last few months, among other things, I’ve been painting up two Ancient armies. It started as an idle thought, and turned into a project! So, this was my first outing for my new armies – the Late

Setback on the Scaldis, 57 BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm I missed out on a game last week as I had a veterans’ meeting, but this week we were back, and off to modern-day Belgium. This encounter game was set near Ghent, on the small Narkin River, a tributary of the Schelde, or the Scaldis in Roman times. A

The Battle of Tungrorum, 54 BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm It’s been ages since we  played an Ancients game, so .. by popular acclaim, I give you this small but decisive scrap, set near Tongeren, in the north-east corner of modern-day Belgium. In this little fracas, Sean 1 played the Gallic ruler Picanmix, while Sean 2 was the

Clash on the Samara, 56 BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm We hadn’t played an Ancient game for ages, so we decided to run a small one, to remind us of the rules. As bad weather made the trip into town a little dicey, Sean 2 and I decided to play the game at my house. Due to the

The Battle of Noviodunum, 52BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm This was going to be a larger game, with Late Greeks and Balkan barbarians, but two of the players had to cry off. So, as it was just Sean and I, we hastily revamped our forces, and staged this small game, set during Caesar’s campaigns in Gaul. Surprisingly,

A Trip to the Borkenberg, AD 26

The Roman World, Infamy, Infamy!, 28mm The last time I played Infamy, Infamy! I drank so much gin I barely remember what happened. This time though, I stayed firmly on the wagon. I missed the regular club game this week, but fortuitously my London-based wargaming pal Dave was up in Orkney, and I managed to

The Battle of Aeginium, 88BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm This week we were off to Greece – well, Thessaly – in a non-historic clash between a small Late Republican Roman force, and an unholy barbarian alliance. These ruffians were made up of Galatians and, somewhat surprisingly, Dacians. Actually, Mally had been painting some Dacians – two warbands

Ambush on the Berghaltern, 8 AD

The Roman World, Infamy, Infamy, 28mm This evening, Gyles, Lindsay and I tried out Infamy, Infamy!  for the first time. These are a new set of large-scale skirmish rules from The Too Fat Lardies stable, and looked really promising. In fact, they’re the reason I’ve been painting up a warband of Ancient Germans. This would

Lockdown Painting 3

The Roman World    Infamy! Infamy!   28mm One of the things that happened during Lockdown was the Two Fat Lardies published a new set of rules. Infamy! Infamy! is a large scale skirmish set, and draws on the previous Lards sets like Sharp Practice, Dux Britanniorum and Chain of Command. I’d rashly decided to build

The Battle of Lagdunum, 53 BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm The uppity Gauls were at it again. A peaceful Caesarean Roman column was marching through Gaul, minding its own business when a horde of unwashed Gallic barbarians turned up looking for a fight. Naturally the Romans obliged. This was a straightforward encounter game, but with a slight twist.

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