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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Orkney Wargames

Updates to the Site

This folks, is kind of important. We’ve moved! From 1 September, we won’t be Edinburgh Wargames anymore. We’ll be Orkney Wargames. This change has been a long time in the offing – for a year and a half really, since I moved back to the islands. At the moment, it doesn’t matter which address you type

Dogfight over Paju, 1951

Misc. (Air War over Korea) Bag the Hun, 1/300 scale We took to the skies again this week – well, Nick and I did, in another Korean War dogfight. Nick took the Allied side, with four USAF F-80 Shooting Stars, two USAF F-51 Mustangs and three Fleet Air Arm Sea Furies. I had three Mig-15s,

Lockdown Painting 5

Miscellaneous – Eastern Renaissance, 28mm Who would have thought it! A year into this bloody pandemic, and we’re still doing Lockdown Painting posts! Strangely, this is a painting project I never expected to tackle. You see, I thought I have enough Cossacks. I’ve got about fifty of them – mounted figures – which I mainly

A visit to Firelock Games

Misc., Wargame Companies I’ve missed the last two wargames club nights as I’ve been away in Florida. I was there to give a talk about pirates, and I used the trip as an excuse for a few days of R&R down in Key West, and up in Miami/Lauderdale. On my travels I seized the opportunity

Targe 2017

Misc., Wargame Shows, Kirriemuir This Saturday I jumped into the car and headed up to Kirriemuir, for the annual Targe show. “Kirrie” is a place dear to my heart – my grandparents lived there, and much of my childhood was spent playing in the woods there, or exploring the little town. It’s also in the

Claymore 2017

Misc, Wargame Show, Edinburgh I missed this week’s game, thanks to a sick First Mate. The early ferry from Orkney was cancelled due to illness – apparently you need two crew with Master’s tickets before you can sail. Then on the way down I had the customary pit stop with Charles Grant, who brews a

The Battle of Ramillies, 1706

Misc., The War of the Spanish Succession, Homegrown Rules, 28mm This was the second of the three games I played in a single weekend, when I was down in Warwick for the AGM 2017 get-together. Of the three games this was the largest, both in terms of table size and number of figures. It was

Deep Fried Lard, 2017

Misc., Wargame Shows, Musselburgh This Saturday was Deep Fried Lard Day. Once a year, a couple of dozen wargamers get together in Musselburgh, a rather shabby coastal suburb of Edinburgh, and play games produced by The two Fat Lardies.  The whole thing is organised by Derek Hodge of the Edinburgh club, and its guest of honour

Partizan 2017

Misc., Wargame Shows, Newark I did a lot of driving this weekend – a round trip of 750 miles. After giving a pirate talk in Whitehaven (raided by John Paul Jones in 1778), visiting a relative near Bolton and interviewing old sailors in Hull, I landed up in Newark, and my first visit to Partizan

Carronade 2017

Misc., Wargame Shows, Falkirk This Saturday was Carronade – the annual wargame show held in a school in Falkirk. the town is roughly midway between Edinburgh and Glasgow, smack in the middle of Scotland’s central belt, and so it draws people from both cities, and much further afield too. This is the first of the

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