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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Archives for June 2015

Scarpanto Point, 1570

Renaissance Galleys, Galleys, Guns & Glory!, 1/300 scale This is almost unheard of – two games of the same type in the same month – and naval games at that! The thing is, we’d so enjoyed our Renaissance galleys bash two weeks ago that we wanted to try the game out again. In theory we

The Battle of Rochefort, 1815

The Napoleonic Wars, Waiting for Bonaparte, 28mm This weekend I was up in Kirriemuir, taking part in the latest League of Gentleman Wargamers extravaganzas. I haven’t been at one of their games for over a year, and I miss their style of large-scale Napoleonic battles. In terms of troops numbers this was smaller than usual,

Cape Rodopos, 1570

Renaissance Galleys, Galleys, Guns & Glory!, 1/300 scale We were all at sea this week, in something which was a completely new departure for me-  and for the club. It all started a few weeks ago, when a package from Thomas Foss of Skull and Cross was handed to me, containing a bundle of flat-packed

The Battle of Weissenfels, 1759

The Seven Years War, Black Powder, 28mm In Battlegames magazine’s special – Tabletop Teasers Vol. 1 (published in 2008), Charles S. Grant published a teaser called “Seizing the “Pass” – a scenario which had previously been published in Charles’ regular Teaser column in the magazine. In it, the pass consisted of a valley with a