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in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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The Napoleonic Wars

The Napoleonic Wars – Playing the Period

Let’s give Boney a damned good thrashing! Napoleonic Wars in the Journal It began with a false start. Wargaming pals badgered me into trying the period, and in the end I opted for the British in the Peninsula. I painted up the 3rd Foot (“The Buffs”), but then the project ran out of steam. I

The Roterflügel Ford 1813

The Napoleonic Wars, Shadow of the Eagles, 28mm This small Napoleonic game was based on a scenario from Grant & Asquith’s Scenarios for All Ages (1996), a book I often turn to for fun gaming ideas. this one, called ‘Breakout’ has a force guarding a ford, pursued by a slightly larger force. However, a light

The Zwillingsflüsse Gambit, 1813

The Napoleonic Wars, In the Shadow of the Eagles, 28mm This little scenario was looted from my trusty Scenarios for All Ages by Asquith & Grant (1996). This one, “Seizing the Initiative” involved a table crossed by two rivers – let’s call them the Black Elster and the Blue Elster. The idea was, a small

The Battle of Borodino, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Shadow of the Eagles, 28mm Unusually, I’m going to start with two apologies. First, my tardiness in posting blogs. the thing is, I’ve been wrapped up putting the finishing touches to a book, The Pirate Menace, and that’s taken up all of my time. Secondly, thanks to Sean 2 for some of

The Battle of Leipzig, 1813

The Napoleonic Wars, Waiting for Bonaparte, 28mm At the weekend I boarded the overnight ferry to Aberdeen, then drove down to Kirriemuir, to take part in the latest League of Gentlemen Wargamers game. A couple of times a year the town’s Girl Guide hut is taken over by a group of ageing me, playing with

The Bridge at Ariechavna 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, The Shadow of the Eagles, 28mm This week’s game was chosen after a message from Keith Flint, the author of these rules (and Honours of War, or Seven Years War set). Keith and his wife were holidaying in Orkney, and he asked if he could meet up. We were delighted to oblige,

The Battle of Tschasniki 1812

The Napoleonic War, Shadow of the Eagles, 28mm With just Sean 1 and I available for a game this week, and as he wanted to play a Napoleonic game, we scaled things back. This clash involved a small mixed division per side of six infantry battalions, in two small brigades. They were supported by a

The Rearguard at Bobr, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Black Powder, 28mm We wanted a simple but challenging game this week, so I delved into Grant & Asquith’s “Scenarios for all Ages” for inspiration. They had one that was perfect:  “A Vital Bridgehead”. In our version, the French were trying to get across the Bobr River, while engineers were rigging the

The Cavalry Battle of Gülden-Gossa 1813

The Napoleonic Wars, Shadow of the Eagles, 28mm This game was dictated by the fact that I picked up more boxes of cavalry than anything else. So, unsurprisingly we decided to stage a largely cavalry clash,  which would take place near the village of Gülden-Gossa, to the south of Leipzig. On 16 October, during the

The Battle of Raisagrod, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Shadow of the Eagles, 28mm The idea of this little game came from a “tabletop teaser” published in an old copy of Battlegames magazine. Unusually the author wasn’t Charles S. grant, but his son Charlie. In this one, the 6×4 foot table was dominated by two small Russian hamlets and a farm.

Crossing the Bobber, 1813

The Napoleonic Wars, The Shadow of the Eagles, 28mm These rules were a big hit the last time we played them. So, we decided to give them another spin. One of the things we all like is that they’re simple and fast play enough to let us easily finish a game in a club night.

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