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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Deadwood, 1877

Misc., The Wild West, Legends of the Old West, 28mm Once every so often I take part in a Leage of Gentleman Wargamers weekend. This is a bunch of gamers who get together three times a year in central Scotland. I missed the last couple of games, so I was determined to make this one

Targe 2011

Misc., Wargame Shows, Kirriemuir I always enjoy going to Targe, the wee show in Kirriemuir, laid on by the “Kirrie” wargames club. Their head honcho Dale Smith has worked wonders in turning Targe into one of the must-see shows of the Scottish circuit, despite the fact that “Kirrie” is a two hour drive to the

Crisis 2011

Misc., Wargame Show, Antwerp  I’m not going to say much about this show except that it was terrific. The guys at the Tin Soldiers of Antwerp Club were fantastic, and not only laid on a great show, but were extremely hospitable too. The only downside was that the venue was pretty cramped (the show has

The Siege of Osaka, 1614

Misc., Samurai Warfare, Black Powder – variant, 28mm  Some historical periods do very little for me, however pretty they might look. This is one of them. I took part in a large Samurai game, and spent the whole time wondering what on earth was happening, which “clan” was on what side, and why on earth

Partizan, 2011

Misc., Wargame Shows, Newark I didn’t get to the show this year, as I was stuck up in Orkney, but a group travelled south from Edinburgh, and Colin Jack sent me these pictures.My favourite by far is the Abyssinian Campaign game with the Italians facing hordes of spear-wielding locals, but the Zulu-looking colonial game looked

Carronade, 2011

Misc., Wargame Shows, Falkirk On Saturday 7th May the Falkirk Wargame Club staged Carronade, their annual one-day show. Unlike wargame shows in the States, British ones tend to be one-day affairs, but otherwise they follow a similar format, with traders, demonstration and participation games, and the chance to talk wargaming with like-minded geeks. The traders

The Siege of Vienna, 1683

Misc., Homegrown rules, 28mm The theme of Historicon this year was “Pike & Shotte”, and so appropriately enough the first of the two games I played there was not only “on message”, but the Siege formed the cover poster for the show. This particular multiplayer game was run by the charming Peter Hess. I know

Skirmish on the Takato Road, 1536

Misc., Samurai, Songs of Ninja and Katana, 28mm Samurai aren’t really my thing. First of all, I find all those outfits they wear just plain silly. Then there’s the names they have for everything, which I can never remember, and their crazy clan banners. There’s a lot of hokum with it too – all that

Targe, 2009

Misc., Wargames Show, Kirriemuir Targe, the small but perfectly formed wargames show in Kirriemuir is always a must on the wargaming calendar. The “Kirrie” show is a place to chat with old friends, see a handful of impressive games, and to visit traders without the jostling and pressure you get in larger venues. This year

Claymore 2009

Misc., Wargames Show, Edinburgh This year, Edinburgh’s Claymore show was in a new venue – Telford College – a much nicer place than the crowded old low-ceilinged bunker of Meadowbank Stadium. Here people had space, and the show was much better for it. There was a dedicated Bring n’ Buy area, two show halls (the

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