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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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The Seven Years War

The Foss Heide, 1760

The Seven Years War, Black Powder, 28mm Last week, Dave Imrie suggested laying on a midweek daytime game, to entertain the gifted Thomas Foss, who was visiting from California. Thomas is the man behind those Renaissance galleys and rules we use, and a bunch of other projects, although his day job is working as a

The Battle of Die Wildnis, 1759

The Seven Years War, Die Kriegskunst v2, 28mm This week we were off to High Germany, for our first proper playtest of Die Kriegskunst 2, or Son of Kriegskunst, or whatever we’re going to call it. Essentially the rules are a modified version of Dave Brown’s General d’Armee, with a lot of the original Die Kriegskunst thrown into the

The Wagon Train, 1760

The Seven Years War, General d’Armee, 28mm  This week several of the regulars were off on holiday, so it was left to Bart, German Michael, MDF Michael and I to entertain ourselves. I put on a small Seven Years War game in order to put General d’Armee through its paces. Yes I know, this is

The Battle of Leuthen, 1757

The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm The third game of my AMG 2017 weekend, played out on Sunday, was one of the great battles of the Seven Years War. Colin Ashton provided both the figures and the terrain, in a game which was a real pleasure to take part in. He’d thought this

The Battle of Falkirk, 1746

The Jacobite Rebellion, Honours of War, 28mm This weekend I was down in a hotel near Warwick, taking part in AMG 2017. This was a wargaming weekend organised on John Ray’s forum A Military Gentleman, open to people who bought his book of the same name. Essentially it was a weekend of mainly 18th century

The Battle of Saurentrauben, 1759

The Seven Years War, To the Strongest, 28mm I arrived at the club fully expecting to take part in a medieval game, set in the Hundred Years War. However, for some reason Dave Imrie – who was supplying the toys – opted for the Seven Years War instead. So, instead of the meadows of medieval

The Warburg, 1760

The Seven Years War, For King and Parliament, 28mm This week the game was a little unusual. Simon Miller visited the club, and laid on a game. Strangely, it wasn’t one using his To the Strongest Ancient rules (which I really like). Simon and my wargaming friend Andrew Brentnall has been developing an English Civil War

The Battle of Chotusitz, 1742

The Seven Years War, Piquet – Field of Battle, 40mm Yes, I know the Battle of Chotusitz took place during the War of the Austrian Succession, but I don’t have a slot for that conflict. So, it morphs into the Seven Years War. This game was fought during the AMG 2016 weekend, a wargaming event

The Battle of Munchhausen, 1757

The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm   This week we staged a Seven Years War game, using the new Honours of War rules. The gamers are divided over these rules – some like them, others don’t. the nay-sayers claim – with some justification – that artillery is far too effective, and they’re slower

The Wagon Train, 1760

Seven Years War, Die Kriegskunst, 28mm This old Charles S. Grant scenario always produces a good game, however we play it. The thing is, we haven’t run one for a couple of years, so Dougie and I decided to give it a go this week. The premise is, a wagon train full of plunder has

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