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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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The English Civil War

Boroughbridge, 1644

English Civil War , Very Civile Actions, 28mm As we’ll be playing an English Civil War demonstration game at the Claymore show this year, we decided to run another game, just to iron out any last-minute problems with the rules. Actually I have a confession. I can’t read wargame rules. Even the best-written ones make me nod off

Powick Bridge, 1642

English Civil War, Very Civile Actions, 28mm Next came an English Civil War game. Dougie Trail and I wanted to try out the Very Civile Actions from the Perfect Captain before we played a larger game the following week. the result was a small skirmish involving horse and foot on both sides, where my Parliamentarians

Skirmish near Dunstable, 1642

English Civil War, Very Civile Actions, 28mm For the first game of the month we played an English Civil War battle designed to try out the Very Civil Actions rules from The Perfect Captain. It was a small affair, with both sides commanding a regiment of foot and a few squadrons of horse and/or dragoons. After all,

The English Civil War – Playing the Period

Neither English, nor Civil… Oliver’s army is here to stay Oliver’s army are on their way And I would rather be anywhere else But here today (Elvis Costello) This has long been one of my favourite periods, and so the “War without an Enemy” has been one of my gaming standards for many years. The

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