The Abenaki Village 1759
18th May 2023, 2 Comments
The French & Indian Wars, Rebels and Patriots, 28mm
This was going to be a three-cornered game, and turned into a four player one. Newcomer Tom appeared, and was duly made the chief of the Abenaki village of Muddisquoi. the idea was, the French and the British were gearing up for a new season of campaigning in the North American wilderness, and this particular village hadn’t declared for either side. So, both the French and the British sent an expedition to Muddisquoi, to see where their loyalties lay. The game was played on a 6×4 foot table, with the village at the centre, by the St. Francis river, with wilderness all around. The French and the British, played by Sean 1 and Sean 2 respectively, came on from opposite short table edges. Tom played the Abenaki villagers, while my job was to join whichever side didn’t enlist the Abenakis.
Both sides came on and headed towards the village, but it was Sean 1 who got their first, with a unit of twelve American Provincials. A die was rolled, and they duly opted to side with the British. So, from that point on, Sean 2 and Tom were on the British side, and Sean 1 and 1 took charge of the French. Now though, the French were out for revenge on the Abenaki villagers.
The shooting started as soon as the two sides came within musket range. While the Iroquois skirmished with the advancing British Rangers, my blue-clad Companie Franches de la Marine fired on the Abenaki. They gave back as good as they got though, but Tom’s due rolling wasn’t too great to start with, and they got badly whittled down. Fortunately, the Rangers beside them were better shots.
My Iroquois were forced back into the woods, and so my Marines in the village vegetable patch were now outgunned and outnumbered. After a few brutal rounds of shooting they too pulled back into the woods. That pretty much gave the Rangers free rein, but they didn’t do much with it, as Sean 2 kept failing his activation rolls for them. By now though, the fight shifted to the long grass.
This patch of long grass at the side of the viillage became the new battleground. Sean 1’s Canadian militia were crossing through it when they were jumped by a warband of Muddisquoi Abenaki. The natives got repulsed, nd then hit in the flank by Sean’s own unit of Companie Franches de la Marine. The Abenaki warband were wiped out, but that only got Tom more determined to fight back.
So, he charged in with his second much-depleted warband, and the village leader Dripping Beaver. They and the Canadian militia fought each other to a standstill, but eventually the French were forced to pull back up onto the small wooded hill behind them.
Meanwhile, British reinforcements were arriving – a unit of highlanders and another of British light infantry, pictured above. Sean 1 though, had a reserve – a small unit of six Coureur de Bois, armed with hunting rifles. They picked off the Highlanders as they advanced, and in two turns of firing they’d seen off the whole unit. This was spectacular stuff, but it wasn’t enough to turn the game.
The British were simply too well placed, and although their new Abenaki allies were down to four men – from two twelve figure warbands – they had worn down the French sufficiently, so Sean 1 now had no real chance to turn the tide of battle. For my part my two units were below half strength, and so were content with sniping at the Rangers from the woods – with some success too.
The game though, was coming to an end. Not only had the French wore themselves out, but there was a time limit to the game, and it was fast approaching. The village was securely held by the American Provincials, supported by the badly-depleted rangers by the vegetable patch. Tom thought of launching a headlong charge at the Coureur de Bois, but sensibly thought better of it.
He though, was down to three men and the village chief, but the long grass was now covered by the british light infantry. So, we called it a day, and out bloodied but unbowed French slinked back into the forests. The game was duly declared a British (and Abenaki) victory, although there were barely enough Muddisquoi Abenaki left to celebrate their pyrrhic triumph! It was all very silly, and rollicking good fun too. Importantly, Tom, usually a boardgamer, was keen to try another figure game next week. Huzzah!
Grand game as ever. I was lucky on the left flank I feel, but was really disappointed in the Scots on the right who were slow advancing and then were shot to bits as they emerged from the wood. Good shooting by Sean 1 on the hill, but also showed a complete lack of tactical skill on my part by moving into the open ground! I’ll know next time.
Never rely on a Highlander, Sean. (Old Scottish saying).