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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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The Roman World

The Battle of Bilios, 86BC

The Roman World , Hail Caesar, 28mm This game was set loosely in The Mithraditic Wars of 89-81 BC, and pitted a Late Republican Roman army of two legions against a mixed bag of Mithraditic troops. This really was a mixed bag – while the core of the Mithraditic Pontic army consisted of phalangites in

The Battle of Chrisophilae, 86 BC

The Roman World, Hail Caesar, 28mm The day after my Napoleonic game my attic wargaming den in Orkney was pressed into service again. The excuse was a visit from my friend Chris Henry, who brought his Successor army to bolter my growing collection of Hellenistic troops. The scene was set for a fictitious battle set

The Relief of Paronakos, 178 BC

The Roman World, Hail Caesar, 28mm I’ve got to say, I’m not really an Ancients player. However, I found myself talked into taking part in this huge game, and it inspired me to finally paint that Roman army I’ve had languishing in the lead pile for several years. Actually, that’s not strictly true. I swapped

Plethora, 336 BC

The Roman World, Hail Caesar, 28mm I haven’t played an Ancient game for as long as I can remember – it must be at least a decade or more. Usually they don’t excite me that much – all that hacking and pushing, with no gunpowder. Still, I was invited to take part in this small

The Roman World – Playing the Period

For the Senate and People of Rome!  Rules Set of Choice: To the Strongest! “Ancients” was never really my thing. I’d dabbled in it though. At university I had a 15mm Early Republican Roman army. However, I soon abandoned ancients for other eras – mainly the Second World War and Horse & Musket. The problem

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