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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Battle of Liebanau 1866

Bismarck’s Wars, Fire & Fury, 10mm  I don’t really do the same periods back to back on here, and while I haven’t really  here, I’ve done it with the same rules and scale. the thing is, Charles Grant wanted an article for the Wargamers’ Annual, and so I needed to stage an Austro-Prussian War game,

The American Civil War

Battle of Corinth, 1862

The American Civil War,  Brigade Fire & Fury, 10mm With Sean away, Nick opted for a 10mm American Civil War game. So, it was off to the backwoods of Mississippi this week, and a refight of the Battle of Corinth, fought in early October 1862. In this one, Nick opted for the attacking Confederates, while

The Seven Years War

Battle of Lichtenau, 1760

The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm It’s been a while since I’ve played a Seven Years War game. I think the last was just before ‘Sean 2’ slunk away south. So, I was delighted when visiting wargamer Sam said he liked the period, and we were able to stage a small game. In


Dawn Attack off Ruden, 1864

Ironclads, Dahlgren & Columbiad, 1/600 scale This small game was an attempt to re-acquaint myself with these simple but effective rules. During the Prusso-Danish War of 1864, the Danes blockaded the Prussian naval base of Stralsund on the Baltic. In this fictitious game, Capt. Jachmann commanding the blockaded Prussian squadron is attempting to launch a

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The Great War

Ligue des Messeurs – The Big Push 1914

The Great War, Black Powder (adapted), 28mm These League of Gentlemen Wargamer weekends usually fit a pattern. Initial games are followed by a big game, which reaches its climax on Sunday forenoon. Then we pack up and go home. Always, on the Saturday night, there’s an evening of food, drink and wargames chat – sometimes


Dogfight over Paju, 1951

Misc. (Air War over Korea) Bag the Hun, 1/300 scale We took to the skies again this week – well, Nick and I did, in another Korean War dogfight. Nick took the Allied side, with four USAF F-80 Shooting Stars, two USAF F-51 Mustangs and three Fleet Air Arm Sea Furies. I had three Mig-15s,

Bismarck's Wars

The Battle of Spichern, 1870

Bismarck’s Wars, Fire & Fury, 10mm With Sean away digging holes in the rain-sodden countryside (he’s an sore-kneed archaeologist), Nick and I delved into the Franco-Prussian War, and this game based loosely on the Battle of Spichern, one of those frontier battles in August 1870. Nick’s two divisions of French were charged with holding the

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The English Civil War

The Clash at Everton, 1643

The English Civil War, For King & Parliament, 28mm I’ve been remiss. Trips away and work  got in the way of wargaming, and of posting games. My apologies, and I’ll do better, I promise! This clash was a renewal of the fictitious fight between the Royalist Earl of Doncaster (Sean) and his Parliamentarian counterpart the

The Napoleonic Wars

The Roterflügel Ford 1813

The Napoleonic Wars, Shadow of the Eagles, 28mm This small Napoleonic game was based on a scenario from Grant & Asquith’s Scenarios for All Ages (1996), a book I often turn to for fun gaming ideas. this one, called ‘Breakout’ has a force guarding a ford, pursued by a slightly larger force. However, a light

The Roman World

Setback on the Scaldis, 57 BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm I missed out on a game last week as I had a veterans’ meeting, but this week we were back, and off to modern-day Belgium. This encounter game was set near Ghent, on the small Narkin River, a tributary of the Schelde, or the Scaldis in Roman times. A

The American Civil War

The Battle of Iuka 1862

The American Civil War, Brigade Fire & Fury, 28mm  For a while now, I’ve been building up units for the American Civil War. At first I was just doing Union troops, but when ‘Sean 2’ moved away with his Confederates I had to raise them too. This was their first outing. Sean (formerly ‘Sean 1’)

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