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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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The Second Battle of Sirte, 1942

World War II Naval, General Quarters 3, 1/2400 scale Nick from the club has just bought loads of 1/6000 scale WWII ship models. He wanted to try out General Quarters v3, as he’d last used the set back when it was v.1. So, I l staged this by way of an introduction to the rules.

The Back of Beyond

Dustup at Dusti, 1920

The Back of Beyond, The Men Who Would Be Kings (adapted), 28mm  It’s been quite a while since we last ventured into the ‘Back of Beyond’. As Nick pointed out, we usually run it as a pre-Christmas game, but this time ACW river rams got played instead. We made up for it this week, with

The English Civil War

The High Melton Rout 1643

The English Civil War, For King & Parliament, 28m After a couple of weeks fighting with tanks in Russia, we hankered for something less modern and closer to home for this week’s game. We settled on the English Civil War, and a small game set amid our fictional struggle for control of South Yorkshire between

The Second World War

The Battle for Okhtyrka 1943

The Second World War, Rapid Fire Reloaded, 10mm Its very unusual that we play two similar games back to back. Still, as I said last week we’re trying out different rules sets for our 10mm WW2 kit. Last week it was Iron Cross, while this time it’s Rapid Fire Reloaded. Now, I haven’t played Rapid


The Battle of Plum Point 1862

Ironclads, Dawn of Iron, 1/600 scale  For the final club game we wanted something fairly light-hearted and frivolous. This sort of fitted the bill. As you know, I’ve been trying out these rules, but this was their first proper outing, a multi-player game with lots of ships. There’s something about Mississippi paddle steamers – they

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The Battle of Hampton Roads, 1862

Ironclads, Dawn of Iron, 1/600 scale  As part of the ‘learning the rules’ drive, I staged another small American Civil War naval game at home, to see how less well-protected ships fared under these new rules. In the end I staged a slimmed-down version of Hampton Roads, and the fight between the Monitor and the


Battle of Wassaw Sound, 1863

Ironclads, Dawn of Iron, 1/600 scale I’m sure I’m going to bore you over the next few weeks. First off, for various reasons I’ll have to skip two club nights. So, instead, I’m going to post a couple of American Civil War naval games, as I’m trying to learn this new set of rules. I’ll

Bismarck's Wars

The Battle of Ladonchamps, 1870

Bismarck’s Wars, Fire & Fury, 10mm  Sean opted for the Franco-Prussian War this week, so I selected this battle, fought on October 1970. It was meant to be the French break-out from Metz, but in the end it became an exercise in farm-grabbing, to secure supplies for the besieged French army. So, it was unusual

The Napoleonic Wars

The Falkenügel, 1813

The Napoleonic Wars, Shadow of the Eagles, 28mm This was a scenario lifted straight from by friend Charles S. Grant’s Scenarios for Wargames (1981), a standard ‘go-to’ for fiendish tabletop challenges. This one was certainly a challenge – a small blocking force, deployed on a hill, buying time for reinforcements to arrive. Even then the

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The Roman World

The Battle of Amida, AD 363

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm Sean is one of the few archaeologists who hasn’t much time for the Romans. So, for this game, my second with these new figures, opted to lead the Sassanid Persians into battle against a small Late Roman force. The clash was set against the backdrop of the Emperor

Bismarck's Wars

Battle of Liebanau 1866

Bismarck’s Wars, Fire & Fury, 10mm  I don’t really do the same periods back to back on here, and while I haven’t really  here, I’ve done it with the same rules and scale. the thing is, Charles Grant wanted an article for the Wargamers’ Annual, and so I needed to stage an Austro-Prussian War game,

The American Civil War

Battle of Corinth, 1862

The American Civil War,  Brigade Fire & Fury, 10mm With Sean away, Nick opted for a 10mm American Civil War game. So, it was off to the backwoods of Mississippi this week, and a refight of the Battle of Corinth, fought in early October 1862. In this one, Nick opted for the attacking Confederates, while

The Seven Years War

Battle of Lichtenau, 1760

The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm It’s been a while since I’ve played a Seven Years War game. I think the last was just before ‘Sean 2’ slunk away south. So, I was delighted when visiting wargamer Sam said he liked the period, and we were able to stage a small game. In

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